Thursday, February 9, 2012

Intrinsically Superior

Social networks are all the hype. Surely, that could go without saying – but to what extent? It never ceases to amaze me what we learn from sites like Facebook and Twitter. I mean, there are loads of problems with them, and many people end up deleting their pages. But, for many, social networks not only act as a place for interaction, but as a place for news as well.

This “news” could be new pictures, personal videos, musical discoveries, YouTube releases, or (even though this may seem crazy), it could even be actual news worthy of reporting.

In this week’s blog, I chose to look at the rhetoric displayed in a YouTube video that I was lucky enough to stumble upon on Facebook.  And I mean really lucky. The kind of lucky that gets you excited about something on a much deeper level than simply getting an easy topic for a school assignment.

This Def Poetry video, called “What Teachers Make” (by Taylor Mali), is something that hits pretty close to home for me. My mom is a single parent who works as a teacher – in a not exactly nice area.  It is the same school that my sister and I attended, and the same place where I fell in love with the profession.

In many ways, it makes sense for me to be a teacher. I love people, don’t care about money, and think that learning for the sake of learning and not grades is one of the most amazing things that someone can do.

To me, Mali does an incredible job with this poem because he expresses the intangibles of satisfaction that being a teacher comes with. The satisfaction of helping someone finally get it, and the drive the push the kids who already do. He throws in the face of others the disappointment in his eyes in those who only work for money, or a higher place in the societal hierarchy.

One of my favorite finds online ever, this video makes me so incredibly proud. I realize that I have a long way to go to be able to boast the same statements as Mali, but I hope that someday I’ll be able to.


  1. I have actually seen this video before. My mother, who is also a teacher showed it to me once. Although the reasons for me seeing it were a little different. she felt I wasn't appreciating what a good teacher actually can do for their students and the sacrifices they make. It is really I opening. Even as the son of a teacher you don't really appreciate those who educate you. It also opened up my eyes to the sacrifices my mother has made for me. the time shes given to spend with us. I'm glad you showed this because I think it is something that we all should learn to appreciate.

  2. my mother is also a teacher but this is the first time i've ever seen this video. I like how it focused so much on the inner rewards that people get from teaching and how it makes things like money feel so irrelevant compared to helping a child.

  3. After watching this I immediately thought back to my high school German teacher. This whole video is exactly like the things she'd preach to us in class. She was the most impressive, influential, and inspiring teacher I've ever had. This video sums up her teaching philosophy so well it's so crazy. It makes me appreciate her that much more, and other teachers everywhere too for that matter. I really respect teachers and everything they do for their students.
