Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Meme, More THON

I know that I’ve done a meme before but I can’t help but be in the THON spirit still (both blogs this week have to do with THON – I can’t get enough).

This one I found particularly relatable because even after one of the most amazing weekends of my life, and after the most historical and impressive THON to date, people were still trying to bring Penn Staters down. I, like perhaps some of you, saw it first hand on my Facebook newsfeed and on my Twitter timeline. It fired me up.

Still does.

Our community was blinded and cast away by the entire country just a few months ago.  It was ridiculous, fueled by ignorant people who for some reason loved to watch us burn.  The insult to this injury came weeks later when Joe Paterno passed away. State College was left to grieve and mourn, while the same “haters” made only rude and obscene remarks.

created by Bob Briglia
Then, on the weekend of February 17-19, we did something that surely no one could trivialize. We THONed. And raised over 10.6 million dollars doing it. 

Something to be proud of. But, when we showed that pride, the haters still didn’t want anything to do with it. Why were we bragging? Trying to throw it in the face of everyone else?

That’s why I like this meme so much and find it so rhetorical. In quite a powerful picture, it says all that needs to be said. People are going to hate on our school, on our fortunes and misfortunes. But they’re not important.

If you look at the picture, you see the Lion on stage, throwing up the diamond in front of fifteen thousand screaming people. We’re proud. And excited. And rightfully so.  I can look at this meme and think, “Ha! This shows them,” even if it doesn’t. Because, those people probably don’t care. But it is rhetorical to me. Because it says what I can’t to all of those people. It shows the unity and power of this place, in a language that only we can speak.

THON. On. Let’s go state!


  1. This is really a powerful image. I'm shocked how peolpe could really find a way to put downn THON. haters might hate but there comes a point wher you just want to punch them in the face. Still I liked this meme. It made me laugh and it made me proud.

  2. Haters gone hate,so true. everyone that puts down this school and all the good it does because of the incident(not saying that it wasn't a big thing) needs to chill. the meme was hilarious too.

  3. im still on such a THON high still! i cannot get over how amazing it was. so many people came together for such a great cause. honestly, ive never experienced such a sense of pride and unity before. people from back home keep asking me how it was and i cant even put it into words because there are simply no words that can describe how incredible it really is.

  4. I was really proud of this Meme as well. In fact, on my own blog, it was a toss up between the Meme I actually wrote about, and this one. Both are so powerful. And you are right, even if the other people don't understand it, that doesn't matter. It is important and meaningful to us, that's all that counts.
